Thursday, 29 March 2018


As soon as we were back home form our stint of house sitting, despite the snow on the ground I finished flatting back the red Hammerite paint from under the bonnet area. The weather warmed up just enough after the Beast from the East departed for me to consider painting the area. I don't like leaving masking tape in place for too long as it has a tendency to get properly stuck, but the weather forecast suggested that I had a big enough window to get the job done.

I only got the near side masked off when I ran out of masking tape, I thought I had another roll, but obviously not. Rather than waste the day, particularly as the sun was shining I decided to prime as much as the masking safely allowed. two large cans of primer later, I was very pleased with the result compared to the drivers side.

After a trip to Halfords and armed with three rolls of tape and another couple of large cans of white primer and plenty of newspaper, I finished off the masking and applied three coats of primer to the rest of the under bonnet area. What an improvement.

The next day was top coat day. I had five smaller cans of Rover White so I was prepared for another trip to Halfords to buy more, but to my surprise the coverage was very good. Again three coats allowing about twenty minutes between coats and five empty cans later the job was done. A few runs but as most of it will be concealed behind steering pumps, screen washer bottles etc, I was more than happy.

I waited until the next day before I carefully peeled aways the masking tape and newspaper, I was still happy! I decided I would wait a few more days for the paint to harden before I started refitting everything.

Monday, 26 March 2018


Been back home for awhile now and things are moving on nicely with Sella despite the awful weather during March, but I did forget to post the last job I accomplished whilst I still had use of that nice warm shed.

 I had brought the old brake pipes with me plus the new, neatly coiled up ones. The pipes were all numbered and a information sheet told me which coil would eventually go where, the ends of each pipe was already flared and fitted with the correct screw connector. Before I could start bending the shiny new pipes to shape I had to straighten them out, I started the process by pulling the pipe through a length of plastic pipe and finished off strengthening them by hand.

When I was satisfied I mounted various sized sockets in the vice, depending on the curvature of the bend required and stated to pull the pipe gently around the socket, ensuring that I didn't over bend, continually checking with the original pipe for curvature and angles.

 I didn't make too many mistakes, although some of them finished up either a little short or slightly longer than the originals. Hopefully I will be able to make the necessary adjustments when I come to fit them back on the car, worst scenario is that on the long ones I have to trim back and reflair the end, we shall soon see.